Affiliates and Earnings Disclaimer

We only endorse products or services we feel would be of value to our readers.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy.

Practical Stylish Living is funded by interior design services, advertisements, referrals and affiliate links. However, we always have and will continue to only recommend or endorse products or services if we feel would be of value to our readers. Products and services are only recommended that we truly love, use and happily share with friends and family. If you ever have an issue with ANYTHING recommended, please let us know.

Practical Stylish Living receives a small commission when certain qualifying items are purchased, but The Price Is The Same For You. Some examples of the affiliate relationships that help fund this site are… Amazon, Chase and Goggle. Each have some type of referral or affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for websites to earn advertising fees. By sharing products and services that we’ve used and love, we’re able to help readers by pointing them to good resources and tools and help fund Practical Stylish Living in the process.