Motorcyclist Eric Jones

Manager | Continuing Family Legacy
AN INTERVIEW WITH MOTORCYCLIST eric jones | Harley-davidson rider
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Motorcyclist Eric Jones
Occupation: Manager

Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Owner
Eric: My bike is a Harley-Davidson VRSCF V-Rod… also known as “The Beast”

Motorcycle Riding Experience
Eric: I’ve been riding for over 20 years.

Motorcycle Lifestyle

Motorcycle Riding History
Eric: Motorcycling runs in my family. My grandfather taught both my dad and I how to ride.

Why Eric Rides
Eric: When I ride I feel free, light, and connected with the road.

Funny Motorcycle Incident
Eric: I was leading a group of friends on a ride, and we stopped to take a break. After the break, we got back on our bikes and I noticed that one of my friends was having problems starting their bike. I turned my bike off to go help. I stood up, dismounted, and attempted to walk over – but never put my kickstand down. As I was dismounting, my bike promptly fell to the ground. All I could do was laugh.

Lesson Learned + Blessing
Eric: The Lesson… slow down, and always be aware of what you’re about to do, before you do it. The Blessing… I didn’t get hurt, and I didn’t damage my bike.

Favorite Biker Saying
Eric: My favorite saying is “When Life Throws You A Curve… Lean Into It.”

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Motorcyclist Request
Eric: We really need drivers to put down their phones and pay attention when they drive.

What’s Your Bikes Nickname?
Eric: My current bike is known as “The Beast”

Favorite Motorcycle Gear
Eric: I’d have to say my helmet. I have a nice Shoei helmet with an integrated communication system. My helmet connects to my phone for music, delivers info from my GPS, and (most importantly) protects my brain.

Motorcycle Lifestyle

Farthest Motorcycle Ride
Eric: My wife and I rode to Atlanta, GA. That’s about 1,370 miles round trip. We made a lot of stops along the way, and stayed overnight in Charlotte, North Carolina. We planned a week off to complete the trip.

Advice To New Riders
Eric: Take the motorcycle safety course. It’s a fantastic way to learn, and is very safe. The instructors are good.

Favorite Charity Shout-out
Eric: The American Red Cross

Motorcycle Lifestyle

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Motorcycle Lifestyle
Photo Credit

Priscilla A. Jones
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