Motorcyclist Kimberly R. Jones

Interior Designer | Bug Incident
harley-davidson rider Kimberly r. jones
Riders are adventurous men and women from all walks of life. Take a peek into the lives of other interesting motorcyclist.
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Motorcyclist Kimberly R Jones
Occupation: Interior Designer

Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Owner
Kimberly: I ride a Harley-Davidson 1450cc Dyna Lowrider

Motorcycle Riding Experience
Kimberly: I’ve been riding for over two decades.

Motorcycle Riding History
Kimberly: I started riding a motorcycle to obtain a goal. The goal of buying a newer car and completely paying for it with cash. I needed to come up with a temporary inexpensive means of transportation and a motorcycle met that need.

Riding History Continued
Kimberly: I completed the Pennsylvania Motorcycle Training Course, bought a bike, rode it for 6 months and then bought a new car. I can’t begin to tell you the level of excitement I had driving a new car and not having a car payment.

Why Kimberly Rides
Kimberly: I enjoy controlling the raw power of my Lowrider. It provides a one-of-a-kind confidence boost. When I ride I transition into a hyper-aware emotional state that becomes more pleasurable and peaceful throughout the journey. I experience a good deep down feeling inside of me… and I feel an exhilarated adrenaline rush. In other words… I Ride Because It Feels Good and Riding Is Fun!

Motorcycle Riders
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Motorcycle Passengers
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Funny Motorcycle Story
Kimberly: I was wearing sticky lip gloss and riding with my helmet partially up. As I reached up to close my helmet I felt something on my lower lip. Simultaneously I licked my lip with my tongue and closed my helmet. Immediately I realized whatever I felt on my lip was now clinging to my tongue inside of my mouth. For some strange reason I bit down on the furry object and instantly realized it was a bug.

Motorcycle Story Continued
The bugs taste was disgusting… and I began to spit the bug out of my mouth. Guess what?… remember, I just closed my helmet. So now I’m riding down the highway with a partially chewed bug clinging to the inside of my helmet inches away from my mouth! The memory still makes me squirm just thinking about it. The Lesson Learned: Don’t wear sticky lip gloss. The Blessing: I didn’t panic.. I kept control over my actions.

Favorite Biker Saying
Kimberly: “It’s Not About The Destination… It’s About The Journey.” One of my favorite sayings… because it’s applicable to riding and to life. The longer I live, the more I realize my failures and disappointments in life prepared me to accomplish my goals and enabled me to experience joy. The twists and turns in the journey is all apart of the process of growing and becoming the best version of me.

Motorcyclist Request
Kimberly: Tailgating is not cool… Don’t Tailgate! Please leave an appropriate amount of space between you and a motorcyclist that may be in front of you. Doing so can save the life of a motorcyclist if a vehicle positioned behind a motorcycle is rear ended. We too… just want to get back home safely to our families.

Dropped Bike Incident
Kimberly: I dropped my bike attempting a low speed maneuver. I was making a u-turn on an uneven two lane road with little visibility to oncoming traffic. So I was trying to quickly make the turn. When I went into the turn I failed to simultaneously counter balance and roll on the throttle. I didn’t shift my weight opposite to the direction I was turning and going one mile an hour I inevitably dropped my bike. It was truly a rookie mistake.

What’s Your Bikes Nickname?
Kimberly: My bike’s nickname is Spike. I named her Spike because I thought the name was funny.

Motorcyclist Kimberly R Jones

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